South Africa’s first female heart transplant surgeon, Dr Susan Vosloo, recently posted a video on Bitchute wherein she made certain statements about Covid-19 and the vaccine. See
The South-African online media, who are clearly pro-vacc, then printed experts comments wherein they countered what Dr Vosloo said. See
Endtiming – who has a neutral approach other than to believe that the vaccine is clearly a control issue wherein the world’s population is being primed and prepared for the eventual mark of the Beast of Rev 13, then analyzed what she said and what the experts said (our comments are in red; Scriba means the News24 experts):
‘The vaccine was not brought in for Covid, but Covid was brought in for the vaccine’
Scriba: This statement is absurd. Covid-19 cases were reported in more than a hundred countries before any of the clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccines were completed, never mind being manufactured or procured for use in South Africa.
The following rationale (inter alia) supports such statement (taken from the book “Corona- false alarm” by Dr. Karina Reiss and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi):
- THE FACT THAT A VACCINE WAS CALLED FOR EARLY: When is the development of a vaccine called for? We venture to answer: when an infection regularly leads to severe illness and/or serious sequelae in healthy individuals, as is not the case with SARS-CoV-2. 2. When would mass vaccination not be reasonable? We propose that mass vaccination is not reasonable if a large part of the population is already sufficiently protected against life-threatening disease, as is the case for SARS-CoV-2. 3. When will vaccination likely be unsuccessful? We predict that vaccination will fail when a virus co-existing worldwide with man and animals continuously undergoes mutational change, and when individuals become exposed to high doses of virus during spread of the infection. In the authors’ view, a global vaccination programme thus makes no sense.
- THE FACT THAT POLITICIANS AND GLOBALISTS TOOK OVER: “There can be no return to normality until we have a vaccine,” declares Michael Kretschmer, Minister-President of Saxony (206) . More and more voices were raised that we needed a vaccine before we could return to normal life. At the beginning of June, the German Federal Ministry of Finance issued a plan to boost the economy: Item 53: “The coronavirus pandemic ends when a vaccine is available” (207) ! This is hysterical! Since when can a government decide how and when a pandemic ends? On Easter Sunday, Bill Gates was allotted ten minutes prime time to address the German nation on television (208) . Ingo Zamperoni (TV host): “It is becoming increasingly clear that we can only get a grip on this pandemic if we develop a vaccine.” Bill Gates: “We will ultimately administer this newly developed vaccine to 7 billion people, so we cannot afford problems with adverse side effects. However, we will make the decision to use the vaccine on a smaller data basis than usual. This will enable rapid progress to be made.” Rapid progress on a small data basis? Is this the right way to fight a disease with relative low fatality rate? Remarkably, start-up financing for the global search for a coronavirus vaccine was accomplished at the beginning of May by sleight of hand. The EU collected almost 7.5 billion euro with their donor conference. Germany and France pledged a large portion. A special programme was launched by our government to serve this purpose. The plan is to contribute 750 million euro toward the development of a vaccine. But does vaccination really make sense? How vulnerable are we towards the virus? How many lives are threatened that need to be protected?
What Dr Susan Volsoo probably meant was that Covid was manufactured SO THAT a vaccine could be developed (that can be used to scare and control people).
‘The risk of the vaccine is worse than the risk of virus’
Scriba: This statement is false, dangerous and contradicted by an overwhelming body of evidence. Millions of people have died from Covid-19 disease – do the stats truly reflect Covid death? If, for example, you get a heart attack or fell off stairs and break your neck WHILST being Covid + it is regarded as a Covid death! (even though your cause of death has NOTHING to do with Covid), while many more have suffered from severe illness. We also know that the number of Covid-19 deaths we hear about every day in South Africa are substantially under-reported and the number of vaccine deaths are certainly underreported, likely by about 2-3 fold.
On top of that, about 10% of people who have survived Covid-19 disease have long-term health consequences (long Covid), which includes extreme tiredness (fatigue), chest pain or tightness, shortness of breath, problems with memory and concentration (so-called “brain fog”), and many more symptoms.
It is indisputable that Covid-19 vaccination protects against death, severe illness that requires hospitalisation and Covid-19 disease, while having acceptable safety and tolerability. This is clear from many publications that report results from clinical trials for the Pfizer and the J&J vaccines, including against the Delta variant, as well as analyses of effectiveness after vaccine roll-out in the South African Sisonke study.
Mendelson: Your risk of illness and death from Covid-19 varies depending on your age and presence of pre-existing illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure etc. However, to date including unexpected deaths in South Africa, over 200 000 people have lost their lives. That’s ONLY 0.03% of the population (and by far the majority of people have SURVIVED the virus) Worldwide that number is currently over 4.3 million.
Over 4 billion doses of vaccines have been administered and no long-term effects have been reported. Not true. There have been patients in the News that suffer permanent damages of different sorts. Real stats will only become available with time, anyway. A US study of vaccine safety in 13.7 million vaccine recipients reported 6 994 persons (0.05%) with an adverse event, 91% of which were deemed non-serious. The rate of deaths occurring among underreported vaccinated persons is not higher than in over reported unvaccinated people, indicating that vaccines are not the cause of reported deaths. Is this really true?
One should also look at all the collateral damage vaccination brings- major disruption of the Economy, disruption of medical care (most other important operations for example were put on hold to allow beds for Covid- patients), psychological effects on people (that lose their jobs, that are not allowed to be with their loved ones who die from Covid in Hospital etc.) that statistically led to an increase in drug usage and suicide figures, heart attacks and strokes (whose treatment were pushed into the background and when a patient dies from this whilst being Covid + it is usually described as a “Covid death”), restrictive consequences for the elderly (often confined to old-age homes where they are isolated from family time after time and often forced to answer covid-related questions on a daily basis so increasing their anxiety and reducing longevity), putting extra pressures on the innocent, children and the poor- often unnecessarily preventing children’s education) etc. Etc. Take all this into account and the risks of a mass vaccination rollout CERTAINLY far outweigh any possible benefit right from the start.
‘The vaccine does not prevent death’
Mendelson: Results from several countries including the UK, USA, and Israel show categorically that hospital admissions, severe Covid-19 and deaths are reduced but not eliminated in vaccinated persons.
Furthermore, the Sisonke trial results in South Africa which involved 480 000 healthcare workers in South Africa has also shown prevention of severe disease amongst those infected including against the delta variant and as much as 96% effective at preventing death. But not 100% (besides possible deaths from side effects)- So what Dr Susan Vosloo said was true!
Indeed, this is the most important effect that the vaccine has. It could literally save your life. (the odds are 0,03% so far in ZA that you would die from Covid)
The composition of the vaccine is ‘largely confidential, like a trade secret’
Scriba: The compositions of the vaccines are freely available to anyone who wishes to look for them. For example, a quick internet search returns the FDA factsheets for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and the J&J vaccine, which contain the composition of each vaccine. It gives the ingredients but does not explain detail of some of the ingredients such as the spike protein contents.
Mendelson: The components that constitute the vaccines are well-known. Each vaccine has its own patents (which like all medicine are protected as in trade secrets), but that is the same for any medication or vaccine that has every been produced.
There is ‘absolutely no safety data’
I think what Dr Susan Vosloo meant was there is *absolutely no safety data that is transparent” She did Not say “safety data wasn’t collected”- just that it is not there for all to see (i.e. not transparent)
Mendelson: These vaccines have undergone rigorous clinical trials in line with those performed for any new therapeutic intervention. Hundreds of thousands of people were involved in those trials and safety data was collected on all of them. Every country collects safety data on patients vaccinated as part of longitudinal monitoring of safety.
Covid-19 vaccines can lead to other problems such as ‘severe neurological complications’
Scriba: Covid-19 disease itself is associated with a significant risk of neurological manifestations and complications, reported in multiple studies in different countries (here is a selection 1, 2, 3). Since Covid-19 vaccines protect against Covid-19 disease, vaccination actually reduces the risk of “severe neurological complications”. Probably true.
One neurologic disorder, Guillain-Barré syndrome, has been reported after J&J Covid-19 vaccination at rates around 7.8 cases per million vaccine doses administered. This was highest among males aged 50–64 years. Importantly, this is much lower than the rates of Guillain-Barré syndrome caused by Covid-19 disease and the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks. So what Dr Susan Vosloo said is true- vaccines CAN lead to severe neurological complications!
For example, per million doses of J&J Covid-19 vaccine administered to 50–64 year old males, 1 800 hospitalisations, 480 ICU admissions, and 140 deaths attributable to Covid-19 could be prevented, compared with 14–17 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome. But- see our comments under the heading above ‘The risk of the vaccine is worse than the risk of virus’
Covid-19 vaccines can lead to other problems such as ‘infertility’
Scriba: The benefits of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine outweigh any known or potential risks of vaccination during pregnancy. Not true- pregnant mothers who lost their babies due to getting the vaccine whilst pregnant are on record and have been in the News. Many thousands of pregnant women have received Covid-19 vaccines and no significant safety concerns have been raised. Covid-19 vaccination is recommended for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and those trying to get pregnant.
Pregnant and recently pregnant women are more likely to develop severe Covid-19 illness than non-pregnant women and vaccination offers protection against severe illness. Possible future infertility will only be known in the future! We don’t’ know yet, because humans are the “guinea pigs” of the vaccines! These issues are discussed in more detail in articles by GAVI, (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation), an article in the Journal Nature and recent recommendations by the CDC and the UK government, to name a few.
‘Animal studies have all been unsuccessful although early on low death rates, but as soon as animals were exposed to natural virus, I think all of them died’
Mendelson: Covid-19 vaccines undergo animal testing including Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson’s vaccines used in South Africa. As has been seen in humans, animals exposed to natural infection after having been vaccinated did not die at a different rate to unvaccinated animals. Exactly! So animal studies WERE unsuccessful because they found no difference in animals that were Covid + vs vaccinated animals! Hence the trials proceeded into humans. Yes, so humans became the guinea pigs without the backing of successful animal trials!
‘There is no interest whatsoever in treating patients or relieving suffering and death; The vaccine was shown as the only potential saviour’
Mendelson: This is false and deeply disrespectful to South African Health Professionals. As just one of thousands of healthcare workers who care for patients with Covid-19 daily in our health system, I can assure you that this is a complete fabrication and bewildering coming from a practitioner that works in a hospital which houses Covid-19 patients. The vaccine is considered the foremost preventative intervention against Covid-19, not a treatment. Dr Susan Vosloo did not say that vaccination is a treatment. I think what she meant was that taking regular Vit C, Vit D, Zinc (for example) is not promoted as treatment, neither is regular exercise emphasized, nor is Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin usually used as treatment, even though proven as good treatment if given early (not proven when given later)
The antiviral drug, remdesivir, was ‘the only treatment to be advised for people in hospital’
Mendelson: Oxygen is the mainstay of treatment, and the UK’s RECOVERY trial and seven others clearly showed that treatment with the steroid dexamethasone reduces death in patients admitted to hospital requiring oxygen, which is now standard of care and part of the South African treatment guidelines.
Remdesivir is not used in the public health system for treating Covid-19, as it has been shown by large platform randomised controlled trials to have no impact on mortality. Perhaps Remdesvir was given as treatment in countries other than South-Africa. Dr Susan Vosloo is an experienced medical doctor- she should know?
‘Influenza kills 0.1-0.3% of the South African population’
Stats are twisted because standard flu deaths are often reported as Covid- deaths!
Mendelson: Death rate from influenza (flu) in South Africa ranges between 6 000 – 12 000 per year, not the ~58 000 – 174 000 people per year that Dr Vosloo is suggesting if 0.1-0.3% of the population were killed. Mortality from Covid-19 (if one takes unexpected deaths into account) – note it says “unexpected deaths”- this could mean falling off the stairs or having a stroke (whilst being Covid +) this listing it as a “Covid-death”! currently sits above 200 000 persons (and counting) over the last 18 months. Even if these stats ARE true (which is disputed) it is ONLY 0,3% of the population who died– Covid-19 and influenza are not equitable in their mortality rates. In its current form, SARS-CoV-2 is far more lethal. The illness Covid is clearly more lethal than flue because flue does not lead to inability to breath- BUT as mentioned this statement is probably not true doe to twisted stats!
The Covid-19 vaccines are ‘gene therapy disguised as vaccinations’
Mendelson: This relates to the exhausted trope that messenger RNA (mRNA)-based vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) incorporate mRNA into your own genetic material and somehow influence the cells of your body. As soon as the mRNA enters the cell, it is transformed into protein (SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) which instructs your immune system so that it can react quickly to control infection in the future. Integration of mRNA into your genes is not physically possible. “Gene therapy” is defined in the dictionary as “the introduction of normal genes into cells in place of missing or defective ones in order to correct genetic disorders”. Applying this definition Dr Susan Vosloo is correct- the definition does NOT say that the vaccine alters your DNA, for example.
‘Start seeing complications six months after rollout’
Mendelson: The overwhelming majority of vaccine adverse effects are seen in the first days after vaccination. This seems to be true so far, but only the future can tell whether Dr Vosloo (who certainly knows more than the average person about this), as correct here or not.
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